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SMS Setup & Rate Limiting
Victoria C avatar
Written by Victoria C
Updated over a week ago

Recess provides free SMS usage to businesses with a studio or gym account. The immediate access comes with low SMS limits but these can be increased by filling out a form.

Note: This is limited to US-based businesses.

Recess is powered by Twilio for SMS

Due to government regulations, all numbers must start the verification process before being used.

  1. You must send a single SMS message to receive a toll-free phone number

  2. You must then submit the SMS verification form

  3. Support will respond within 1 business day letting you know you can start sending SMS messages

Step 1: How to get your SMS toll-free phone number

  1. Go to the Comms Center

  2. Send a direct message to a member of your team

  3. Choose SMS next to the send button

  4. Go to Tools > Profile

  5. Refresh the page

  6. Scroll down to find your toll-free SMS number

Step 2: Begin Verification Process

  1. All numbers are in a restricted state until verified (see sending limits in the table below)

  2. Email Support once form is filled out. The subject of the email must be "SMS Verification: {Studio Name}"

  3. Twilio has advised it can take 4-8 weeks to get verified

  4. While in the verification process your limits will be increased per the table below

Rate Limits - all limits are set by United States Phone Carriers

  • Notice: As of April 1, 2023, daily limit of 500 message segments / 1,000 weekly / 2,000 monthly are applied to traffic sent over restricted (previously “Unverified”) Toll-Free phone numbers in the US.

  • Submitting your completed verification form to the carrier places the Toll-Free number(s) in a Pending Verification status, which allows for higher volume limits (2,000 daily / 6,000 weekly / 10,000 monthly) and reduces the chances of filtering while waiting for final carrier approval.

  • Notice: These limits are the daily maximums, and are not guaranteed.

TFPN Traffic

Traffic limits

API/Console submission status

What’s happening?

Pending Verification

  • Daily: 2,000 message segments

  • Weekly: 6,000 message segments

  • Monthly: 10,000 message segments


TWILIO_REJECTED (if resubmittable and <7 days since rejection)

Once we receive your verification submission, Twilio automatically moves your phone number(s) in a Pending Verification status, which allows for a higher daily volume and reduces the chances of filtering while waiting for final carrier approval.

NOTE: These are upper daily limits, and are not guaranteed. If you start to see 30032 errors but have not reached the posted limitations, you can assume that the messages are being filtered.


3 SMS segments per second by default, but can be increased, please email [email protected].


Upon a successful review of your verification submission and carrier approval, your number(s) will be moved to "Verified" status. Verified numbers have full access to A2P sending, and a greatly reduced risk for message filtering on Toll-Free traffic toward all major networks in the US and some in Canada, as long as you adhere to your stated use case and all applicable rules, such as Twilio's Messaging Policy.



TWILIO_REJECTED (if not resubmittable)

A rejected verification request can occur for a number of reasons and can affect your ability to send messaging traffic.

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