You can now have rich text formatting anywhere on your website to provide richer information to your clients from packages to classes and more.
If you want to add formatted text to content, this will override the other long-form description you have entered.
βThe rich text editor can be found when creating a new type of content or editing existing content.
Clicking "Add a Formatted Description" will open an editor
You can add text, a button, or an image
When you hover over the box, you'll see a toolbar that appears
This toolbar lets you change the color of the box (it will automatically match the colors on your website)
The toolbar also let's you add additional sections above or below and or cells to the left and right
You can add any type of media: pictures, PDFs, and videos
To add line breaks, you will need to hit shift+enter
There is a lot you can do, so please watch this video
Here is how the preview looks in the class description on your dashboard
This is what a client will see