Using an iframe, you can make your class visible or hidden on your website. This allows you to create classes in the future, but not allow clients to view them until a set date.
How do I make a class visible or hidden on my class schedule?
Follow the steps to create or edit a virtual class or an in-person class.
On the More Details step of the Class Creation/Edit form, there is a toggle labeled Discoverable on public pages.
βYou can make your class visible or hidden on the iFrame. By default, all classes on are set to be visible on the iFrame.
a) To make your class visible on the iFrame, make sure the "Discoverable on public pages" option is toggled on.
b) To hide your class on the iFrame, select the "Discoverable on public pages" option is toggled off.Continue the steps to create or edit a virtual class or an in-person class.