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Client Check-In Settings
Victoria C avatar
Written by Victoria C
Updated over a week ago

There are 5 ways that you can check clients into a session or class.

Click any of the 5 below to jump to that section in the article.

Class Roster

  1. Go to the roster via the dash or calendar

  2. Scroll down

  3. Click the clock icon to check someone in or the blue icon to check them out

QR Code Sign

  1. Go to Tools > Check-in

  2. Edit your settings - key items

    • How long before class can someone check-in

    • Do you want to recommend items to purchase? Very helpful if people are scanning the QR code to check in

    • We recommend checking this box: Automatically check the client in?

  3. You can print the QR sign and hang it in your gym / studio

QR barcode reader

  1. Follow the steps in this article


  1. Follow the steps from above to create your settings

  2. Open the Dashboard on an iPad (we recommend using a front desk account)

  3. Install the Dashboard on the device

  4. If you have more than 1 location, choose the location on the main Dash first

  5. Go to Tools > Check in

  6. Scroll to the bottom

  7. Click "Open Kiosk"

  8. Clicks will click the Check In button

  9. If a client is not booked, they can click the "Add User" button in the top right-hand corner


  1. Follow all settings from above

  2. Check the box titled: Show Check-in button on class schedule

  3. Note: Clients can check-in from home if this is enabled

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